Friday, April 5, 2024

Abstaining from voting Democrat

 I am a lifelong Democratic voter, henceforth abstaining from voting for the Democratic Party.

I will never vote for Trump or support a party that courts white supremacists.

I will also never vote for anyone who refuses to categorically state that 1) sex is real, and 2) sexism is wrong.

I will never support a party whose members think that women who do hold these two beliefs (sex is real, sexism is wrong) deserve to be denounced as sub-human bigots, barred from employment and left to the mercy of mobs spouting rape and death threats.

I have three very simple demands, which require only the barest modicum of integrity to support.

1) We should be able to name sex classes in humans.
  • The word “woman” should continue to mean “female human adult.”
  • The word “girl” should continue to mean “female human child.”
  • The word “female” should continue to mean “the sex which, during healthy sexual maturity, produces ova.”
  • The word “man” should continue to mean “male human adult.”
  • The word “boy” should continue to mean “male human child.”
  •  The word “male” should continue to mean “the sex which, during healthy sexual maturity, produces sperm.”
These words are descriptive of biology and not prescriptive of personality.

2) No child should be told he or she was born in the wrong body. Boys should be free to defy masculine gender norms without bullying. Girls should be free to defy feminine gender norms without bullying. No child should be medically transitioned into a facsimile of the opposite sex.

3) The Democratic Party should condemn the abuse, silencing and persecution of feminists.

These three demands are non-negotiable.
  • You can tell me I am somehow responsible for male violence and/or male suicide.
  • You can tell me that in fighting sexism I am somehow being racist or homophobic.
  • You can tell me that I have no choice but to vote for woman-hating party B or be responsible for woman-hating party A retaining power.
  • You can call me names and threaten me.
You will not bully me into voting against myself.

I will not vote for anyone who does not meet these three demands.